Did you know that lemongrass is a very popular herb that is known to reduce fever and relief stomach cramps also having good effects on digestion and easing arthritis pains? Besides being a plant that has lots of benefits to our health, lemongrass also has a very good mild lemon taste. You can grow our own lemongrass plant in your garden and make your very own healthy lemongrass tea.
Most people actually prefer teas from other hot drinks. It is a more presentable and elegant way to warm our guests at home if we serve them tea. A healthy lemongrass tea served with attractive tea cups will be such a delightful thing to serve to your families and friends as they visit your home. You can also drink this daily for your own and serve as a healing tea for any illness you have. It is very easy to make lemongrass tea. Just by following the instructions below, you can make a homemade and healthy lemongrass tea.
For this, we will need:
Most people actually prefer teas from other hot drinks. It is a more presentable and elegant way to warm our guests at home if we serve them tea. A healthy lemongrass tea served with attractive tea cups will be such a delightful thing to serve to your families and friends as they visit your home. You can also drink this daily for your own and serve as a healing tea for any illness you have. It is very easy to make lemongrass tea. Just by following the instructions below, you can make a homemade and healthy lemongrass tea.
Lemongrass Tea
- Gloves
- Lemongrass plant
- Knife
- Boiling water
- Tea cup
- Strainer
- Sweetener and milk if desired
- Put the gloves on so you can protect your hands from the leaves of the plant. Lemon grass can cut your skin if you pull it from its parent plant. Use a sharp knife to make to cutting easier. Be careful with the knife as well.
- Peel the outer layers of the lemongrass leaves. These are the dark green leaves surrounding the stalk inside. They will give our tea a strangely bitter taste if your used them.
- Gather the remaining lemongrass plant after you removed the outer leaves. Slice them into several pieces, about 3 inches long for each.
- Put the leaves into your tea pot and then pour in the hot water. Let that sit for about 5 minutes. Stir in the hot tea using a spoon.
- Use a trainer when straining the tea into the tea cups.
- Add in sugar or milk as desired.
- It is best to always have your own lemongrass in the garden. That way, you can just make lemongrass tea anytime you like.
- Lemongrass tea bags are also available if you don’t have the plant at home. You can brew this and serve it for your family and guests.
- If you have left over lemongrass, don’t throw them away. You can keep them and use them for marinating meat. It adds flavor to the food.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thanks for looking! God Bless, Simone :) Copyright@SimoneBonda
Disclaimer - The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Tweet
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