Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bible Foods Segment 7, Leeks! Did You know?

Did you know that leeks are also mentioned in the Book of Numbers, as a milder, sweeter version of the onion. In cooking, the leek is extremely versatile when used to flavor other dishes or as a food by itself. It has a more delicate flavor than garlic or onions and forms the basis of many traditional dishes that originated in ancient Israel and neighboring lands. It has a more delicate flavor than garlic or onions and forms the basis of many traditional dishes that originated in ancient Israel and neighboring lands. 
A favorite dish in biblical times – and still popular in present day Middle East – was a kind
or porridge made from the white bulb of the leek, rice or similar grains, with crushed
almonds and honey added as a sweetener.
Leeks were prescribed for infertile women and have traditionally been used internally and
externally for a variety of conditions including obesity, kidney complaints, intestinal disorders and coughs.
God Bless!
Simone :)


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