Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bible Foods Segment 1, Barley. Did You Know?

Barley – Deuteronomy 8:8

Did you know that the Bible is filled with reference to barley, which is among the earliest known and most nourishing grains ever to be cultivated? Barley is mentioned so often it shows that the people of the period consumed great quantities of this grain, which played a vital role in their health . For thousands of years, barley has enjoyed a fine reputation as a food that improves potency, vigor and strength. Roman gladiators were sometimes called hordearii, meaning “barley eaters,” because the grain was added to their diet to give them bursts of strength before their contests.
Today, we know from studies that barley is one of three balanced starches – along with rice and potatoes – that are rich in complex carbohydrates that fuel the body with a steady stream of energy. Even today, barley is still an important food throughout the Middle East – which may account for the generally low rate of heart disease in that part of the world. In some places, barley is recommended as “medicine for the heart.” That’s because, say nutritionists, it is full of beta glucans – a type of fiber that can lower the risk of heart disease by reducing levels of artery-clogging LDF. A diet that includes lots of barley, three times a day, has lowered blood cholesterol by about 15% in a number of medical studies. That same high fiber content keeps us regular, relieves constipation and wards off a wide variety of digestive problems. It also may help block cancer. As anyone who has done any Bible study at all knows, bread – always made from barley or other whole grain flours – was regarded as so vital to good health and a long life that it was called “the staff of life.”
Barley is effective at shutting down the liver’s production of the bad LDL cholesterol that does so much damage to our arteries – the kind that can cause strokes and heart attacks. In one interesting study on animals, researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture discovered that the production of LDL was reduced by a remarkable 18% when large amounts of barley were added to their diet. In a follow-up study, scientists at Montana State University discovered that a high barley diet had the same effect on people. In that study, a group of men ate many foods containing barley, including cereal, bread, cakes and muffins made from barley flour. After six weeks of three servings a day, the men’s cholesterol levels dropped an average of 15%. Those whose cholesterol levels were the highest at the start showed the most significant improvement.

God Bless!
Simone :)


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