Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vegetables, All In The color? Did You Know?

Did you know that these colorful vegetables are Super-Vegetables? Here are some examples below:

Super Red:  Red bell peppers, tomatoes, beets.

Lycopene shows promise in fighting lung and prostate cancers. Lycopene is actually more available after cooking or processing so don't ignore canned tomato paste!

Purple Vegetable: Eggplant
The anthocyanins that give these super veggies their distinctive colors may help ward off heart disease by preventing clot formation.
They may also help lower risk of cancer.
Super Green: Spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens and bok choy.
Lutein appears to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke as well as guard against age-related macular degeneration.
Dark green leafy vegetables are usually high in folate, a B-vitamin that shows promising results in preventing heart diseases. In addition, Sulforaphane, a photochemical present in cruciferous vegetables, was found to detoxify cancer-causing chemicals before they do damage the body.

Super Orange: Carrots and sweet potatoes (Yams).
The beta carotenes in these orange super veggies may prevent cancer, particularly of the lung, esophagus and stomach.
They may also reduce risk of heart disease and improve immune function.

Super White Examples: Cauliflower, mushrooms and onions.
These contain anthoxanthins and allicin, which can help lower blood pressure and protect against stomach cancer.

God Bless And Have A Wonderful Saturday!
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