Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brain And Memory Tonic! Did You Know?

Did you know that rosemary and ginger are a brain memory tonic?

You can buy the dried herbs from most health food stores or herbal shops. But you can use fresh herbs as well. It will take longer to prepare the tonic using fresh herbs due to the time frame for collecting the active parts. I prefer the taste of fresh herbs in a tonic but it is easier to buy the dried ingredients. If you are using fresh herbs just be sure that you have correctly identified the herbs before picking them!
You can start with rosemary flowers and leaves in late spring (or when they are at their best in your area). Then pick the yellow St John’s Wort flowers in summer. You can strain the rosemary and add the next herb – or even add more fresh rosemary at the same time if you love the herb. When gingko leaves turn yellow in the autumn you can add them plus cloves and cayenne pod. Wait at least 3 weeks from the final batch of fresh herbs before straining the final herbs that go into the pot.
Make a little at a time, 250ml goes a very long way.
What you need
  • a hand blender or a generous jug blender
  • a sieve
  • a wide necked glass jar
  • vodka
  • Rosemary leaves (1/2 part by volume)
  • chopped ginger root (1/2 part by volume)
  • St John’s Wort flowers (1/2 part by volume)
  • Gingko leaves (1/2 part by volume)
  • Cloves buds or chopped liquorice root or chopped cinnamon stick (1/4 part by volume)
  • Cayenne pepper (1-2 pods)
Let us assume that you are using dry ingredients.
  1. Put all the ingredients into a glass jar and make sure that the vodka covers all the herbs (check the level every day because you may need to add more vodka to prevent spoiling). Never allow the herbs to rise above the spirit or you will have to throw everything away to avoid the risk of mould.
  2. Roughly blend all the ingredients together but not too finely or you will have problems filtering it. Check the vodka level because the herbs will absorb more vodka when they are chopped.
  3. Leave all the ingredients to soak for at least 3 weeks and give the jar a shake every day.
  4. Keep it away from sunlight - keep them covered with a towel if you cannot put them in a cupboard.
  5. Taste after 3 weeks. I sometimes repeat the whole process using another batch of herbs in the same vodka. You should be able to taste the rosemary above the other ingredients.
  6. Once you are happy with the taste strain the ingredients and remove as much liquid from the herbs as possible. Compost the residue.
  7. Place the tincture in dropper bottles, label and date them.
You can take 10-15 drops before very meal, mixed with a little water or juice if necessary.
Cautions Gingko biloba may not be suitable to use intensively if you are taking blood thinning medication. Please check with your doctor.

God Bless And Have A Quiet Monday Night!
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Copyright@SimoneBonda Disclaimer - The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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