Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sore Muscles? Natural Relief Of Magnesium And Calcium, As Good As Ibuprofen! Did You Know?

Did you know there are two types of muscle pain? The soreness that develops after overdoing physical activity, and the cramps that occur when a muscle tenses and can't relax.
How do you get fast relief ? The minerals magnesium and calcium reduce both soreness and cramps. Magnesium has a tranquilizing effect on your muscles, and calcium relaxes your nervous system, which helps ease pain. Take 200 mg of magnesium and 200 mg of calcium two to three times a day until the pain is gone, says naturopath Wallace. "It works like ibuprofen," providing fast relief, he says. But magnesium and calcium may be better; painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin have been shown to stimulate the breakdown of cartilage in joints, increasing arthritis risk. Wallace adds that although magnesium and calcium reduce your pain quickly, you may need several doses to eradicate the pain. This dose of magnesium may cause diarrhea in some people; if that happens to you, decrease your dose. This remedy is safe for pregnant and nursing women.

God Bless And Have A Heathly Tuesday Night!
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