Thursday, June 30, 2011

Some Cool Alternative Uses For Hair Conditioner! Did You Know?

Did you know there are various uses hair conditioner?
 1. Shampoo Yes, you can use conditioner to actually clean your hair.You do nothave to use a lathering shampoo with every washing. Most times you can use conditioner and work it in just as you would a shampoo. Your hair will come out just as clean, and will smell just as good, but it’s so much softer because the natural moisture hasn’t been hopelessly stripped as it sometimes would be with shampoo. And the added bonus is that it’s much easier to get a comb through your hair when washed with conditioner.
2. Pre-moisturizer You can do this in the dry fall and winter months and it makes a world of difference. During your shower right after you’ve washed with soap or body wash, slather hair conditioner all over your skin and lightly rinse it off. It helps skin retain moisture after the shower and is a lovely precursor to lotion (which beleive it or not , you can also use conditioner as a moisturizer cream).This is a great treatment for skin that is prone to eczema bexause skin usually gets aggravated in dry weather. Taking this extra step helps tremendously in keeping skin moisturized and healthy.
3. Shaving Cream Why spend extra money on fancy shaving gels and foams when hair conditioner works just as well? Use it as you would a shaving cream and notice the difference. Your skin won’t feel nearly as taught, dry, and irritated after a shave.
4. Makeup Remover Again, why spend money on smaller bottles of ultra-specialized product when good ol’ everyday hair conditioner will do the trick? Put some drops on a cotton ball and watch how easily your makeup comes off. It’s just that simple.
5. Deep Conditioner Some women go to great lengths to find or concoct deep conditioners for our hair when all we’d probably need is to some “regular” conditioner. Just massage it in after your shampoo, but don’t rinse it out just yet. Put a plastic cap over your hair (or even reuse a plastic shopping bag) , do some housework or read a book for an hour or so. Come back later and rinse out the conditioner. Voilà! You’ve just deep-conditioned your hair, and probably got some work done in the process!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Thanks for looking! God Bless, Simone :)


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