Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Herbs For Fibromyalgia! Did You Know?

Did you know you need to cover your basic nutritional needs first before trying to target symptoms with herbs? Below are some herbs that may help relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Chamomile: This is a calming fibromyalgia herb that can help induce sleep, lessen anxiety, decrease menstrual cramps and may even boost the immune system.
Echinacea: Supports the immune system and may help prevent infections. Take at the first sign of a cold to boost your immune system. This is a studied case where it is not recommended for children because the herb seems to work differently in children.
Cayenne: Can help relieve migraine or tension headaches. It is used for muscle pain when made into a salve or ointment.
Ginger: Can be used to calm an upset stomach. May have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Ginseng: Increases energy and relieves stress. It is important to look for Panax Ginseng with ginsenocides of around 10% for a quality supplement. Be buyer aware! Studies show that some ginseng extract actually allow very little to be absorbed by your system in order to get results. Consult your doctor because there are contraindications where you do not want to take this herb.
Goldenseal: Can reduce inflammation. Also used to detoxify. Not recommended for long-term use. One week to one month is all the longer I would use this.
Kava kava: Helps with anxiety and nervousness. Adverse affects have been found with the intake of this herb and I do not recommend using it.
Lavender: Relieves insomnia, depression, and can help with headaches. Generally, this scent is inhaled to give the benefits of aromatherapy.
Licorice: Supports the adrenal glands, aids in digestion, and can act as a sexual stimulant.
Pine Bark: Reduces inflammation. Can help with circulation.
Ephedra: An energizing stimulant. This herb has been taken off the market. Any company that has used this herb in the past tells you that they have not fully researched a product to make sure that it is safe before marketing and selling it to you.
Milk Thistle: Supports the liver and aids in its regeneration thus improving the immune system and hormone production.
Passionflower: Helps with insomnia, stress, and anxiety.
Dong quai: can be effective in regulating female problems related to the menstrual cycle. Do not use if you are or may become pregnant. It can cause the uterus to contract, triggering a miscarriage.
Saw Palmetto: can help men with urinary flow problems.
St. John's Wort: Can be as effective for some as Prozac for treating mild depression without as many side effects. It is not recommended for major depression, but can help lift your mood effectively if mild depression is your problem. There is increased risk of skin damage when exposed to the sun, so use lots of sunscreen when taking this. Do not combine St. John's Wort with any antidepressant medications.

Combinations of Herbs

Fibromyalgia herbs can sometimes be combined with other herbs plus key nutrients to be very effective in treating various conditions.
Ginkgo, bilberry hawthorn, with B-vitamins can improve memory and the ability to make decisions.
Black cohosh, flaxseed, and soy isoflavones can help with menopausal symptoms if low estrogen is your problem. May help balance all hormones.
Saw Palmetto combined with pumpkin seed oil and phytosterols can be more effective in supporting prostate health than saw palmetto by itself.
Milk thistle, turmeric, dandelion, with reishi mushroom can support liver health more than milk thistle alone.
Boswellia with safflower extract can help with pain relief without the adverse side effects of other pain relievers. This is an alternative to the recently pulled Vioxx and the other arthritis medications currently under investigation because of the long-term detrimental effects of Vioxx.
Side note: Don't you find it scary that the FDA has found adverse effects of a number of painkillers but has chosen to leave then on the market, just not advertise them. The advertising of prescription drugs is wrong in the first place, but leaving dangerous drugs on the market in ludicrous when there are natural options.
Echinacea, black elderberry, larch tree, and zinc combined all support a healthy immune response when you feel cold symptoms coming on.
Ginger and Licorice together can better help calm an upset stomach.
Lavender combined with vanilla can promote a deeper sleep through their aromas.
Valerian, chamomile, and passionflower in combination can be more effective than valerian alone for improved sleep. Please read below!

Remember herbs work at a slower pace than prescription drugs, so patients is a virtue in order to realize results.
Although herbs may contain nutrients, it is  recommended making that you make sure you get your basic nutritional needs met first before trying to target certain symptoms with fibromyalgia herbs. If your body is not able to function correctly because of nutritional deficiencies, herbs may not help as much. 
Normally, fibromyalgia herbs will be taken for the period of 1-4 months, until the symptoms that are targeted improve. Some herbs act more immediately, like the relaxing effects of chamomile. Some herbs can be taken for extensive periods in order to guard against future problems. Milk thistle and saw palmetto are two examples of herbs used safely long-term.
It is not recommend to give herbs to children without the help of an herbalist. Studies are now showing that herbs may work differently in children. Chamomile (a very mild herb) and lavender (used as a therapeutic scent) are exceptions, which can safely be used on children because of their mild nature.
If you do wish to use herbal formulas on children, make sure that it states a dosage and you follow a dosage for children on the label. Make sure that the company you purchase from has high integrity, providing safe products, and not just out to make a buck off you without regard for your child's safety.
You should consider herbs a drug and take them with care. Check with your doctor or an herbalist before mixing fibromyalgia herbs and medications, as with any herb and drug. Some herbs may not combine well with medications that are hard on your liver or if the herb acts in the same way as a medication you are taking.
Many fibromyalgia herbs can help various ailments. Some of them can be quite potent and dangerous. Always be careful about the amount and frequency of herbs taken for relief of symptoms.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thanks for looking! God Bless, Simone :)


Disclaimer - The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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