Monday, February 7, 2011

Make Scars, Stretch Marks And Blemishes Disappear! Did you Know?

Did you know that tea tree oil is excellent for blemishes?  Holding a used tea bag onto the blemish helps bring it to a head. Tea (especially green) also has antioxidants that help the skin heal.  Calendula, which is also known as Marigold, (as an extract or brewed like tea and applied to the skin) and potato juice (rub a slice onto the skin and rinse off after 15 minutes) help heal red marks and scars from acne. Vitamins E and K are helpful for the scars (even pitted ones).  Raw Honey and aloe are also good. 

Vitamin E oil  or caplets
  I was told this remedy works for new (red or purple) or old (white) stretch marks or scars. They are said to disappear, not fade, but  completely and totally disappear. To get rid of stretch marks or scars here is what you must do. You can purchase the vitamin E caplets at your local pharmacy, just ask your pharmacist for the most potent vitamin E caplets. It does not matter what brand you buy. I have also heard that vitamin E oil (in bottles)  will also work but make sure that the oil is as potent as the most potent caplet available. Break open the gel cap and apply a generous amount of vitamin E oil on the scar. Takes about one month for a fairly recent scar and if it's a scar from when you were younger it will take about two months or so. You can also use vitamin E lotion but the gel caps work best.

God Bless!
Simone :)


Disclaimer - The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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