Monday, January 17, 2011

Roast Beef Deli Meat And Pregnancy, A Must Read! Did You Know?

Did you know that roast beef deli meat may seem like a healthy lean-protein source for pregnant women, but danger lurks in the deli case in the form of a deadly bacteria? Women who consume food contaminated with the bacteria listeria during pregnancy are up to 20 times more likely to contract food poisoning than non-pregnant individuals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition to the danger of food poisoning, some components in roast beef deli meat may be unhealthy for you and your developing baby.

Eating healthy and nutritious foods is important in pregnancy, especially since the foods you consume supply everything that your baby uses to grow and thrive. Roast beef deli meat tends to be high in salt, which can be unhealthy for a pregnant woman and her developing baby. In particular, a woman who has pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia may need to control her salt intake if advised to do so by her doctor. Avoiding deli meat may be one strategy to help control sodium consumption. Other unhealthy components of roast beef deli meat include nitrates, cholesterol and saturated fat.

God Bless!
Simone :)

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