Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fresh Air And Sunshine! Did You Know?

Did you know that you can live in a rural area where the air is fresh and the sun is wonderful, yet how often do you see people outside enjoying the wonderful fresh air and sunshine? I am sure that my rarity to illness is because I am active outside in the fresh air and get a good dose of sunshine.

Why Fresh Air?
1.Fresh air provides oxygen to the lungs.
2.Oxygen is needed for every cell in the the body to carry out cellular reactions.
3.Fresh air helps purify the blood and the cells. That’s why it is a good idea to exercise outside when possible.

Here are a few quotes on this topic from Jethro Kloss author of Back to Eden:

Proper exercise in the open air and sunshine is among God’s greatest gifts to man. It gives strength to the physical body and – all other health habits being equal – is one of the surest safeguards against disease and premature death. It gives buoyancy and strength and maintains a healthful mental balance, free from extremes that result in artificial living.

Oxygen is he elixir of life, is one of the best blood purifiers and one of the most effective nerve tonics. It is freely provided by nature for all. Useful work in the open air will bring new strength and vitality, and produce a happy cheerful attitude of mind.

Why Sunshine?
1.All living animals and plants need some amount of sunshine.
2.Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, which helps you, be less vulnerable to certain chronic diseases.
3.Sunshine helps you feel better and lifts your spirits when you are down.

Try spending about 10-15 minutes in the sun and if your skin complexion has more melanin (pigment), then you will need to spend a little more time in the sun.

Make sure you protect your skin and don’t allow the sun to burn your skin. Use a natural sunscreen that has SPF 15 or you can use shea butter.

Don’t spend most of your day indoors if you can help it. Get outside, breathe some fresh air and bask in the rays of the beautiful sunshine. You will be amazed by how refreshed and energized you will be.

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