Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cascara Sagrada , Did You Know?

Did you know Cascara Sagrada, also known as Purshiana bark or Persian bark, has been used for centuries as a safe and natural purgative? The much more pertinent name chitticum, but old timers call it chittum bark. Read on to discover the many health benefits of this wonderful herb.

The American Indians knew Cascara Sagrada as "sacred bark" because of the miraculous results they obtained from using it. I have personally used the herb many times and observed its results.

The Health Benefits of Cascara Sagrada - Constipation

Cascara Sagrada is often used in "natural" laxatives but is much more effective if used as a simple herb and prepared at home. For chronic constipation, there is no better choice than Cascara Sagrada. It's one of the oldest and most reliable remedies for this condition and it is not addictive.

To treat chronic constipation with Cascara Sagrada, put four teaspoons of bark in a one quart jar. Fill to the top with boiling water and let sit for at least one hour. Drink up to two cups per day on an empty stomach until the constipation is gone.

The Health Benefits of Cascara Sagrada - Gallstones

Cascara Sagrada makes a wonderful tonic for gallstones and it increases bile secretion. Make a tea using the instructions above and consume one or two cups per day on an empty stomach to rid your body of the gallstones.

The Health Benefits of Cascara Sagrada - Enlarged Liver

Cascara Sagrada makes a fantastic remedy for enlarged liver or any other liver problems. Make a tea using the instructions above and drink one or two cups per day on an empty stomach to heal and restore the liver.

The Health Benefits of Cascara Sagrada - Tips for Use
Cascara Sagrada can be very bitter and many people do not like the taste. You can mask the taste by adding honey or sugar to the hot tea. If you add a sweetener and still can't take the bitter taste, try adding another herb such as Anise to give it a more palatable flavor.

You could also make or purchase a tincture of the herb and mix it with another drink. If using a tincture instead of a tea, use 15-30 drops in place of one cup of tea.

The Health Benefits of Cascara Sagrada - Safety Tips

Never use the fresh bark of Cascara Sagrada. Make sure the bark is at least a year old before using it internally. Drying changes this chemical and gives this herb milder action.

Cascara sagrada is not a garden herb. It is a twenty foot tree with reddish brown bark and has thin, finely serrated leaves. The fruit is a berry, bright red at first, quickly maturing to a deep purple or black, containing three seeds. It grows in the northwest in moist acidic soils on the shady side of clearings or near the edges of mixed deciduous forests.

The bark of cascara sagrada is harvested mostly from wild trees. The bark must be stored and dried for a least one year before use. Fresh bark may also be dried in an oven by baking at 250 degrees for several hours. The fresh herb contains chemicals that can cause severe intestinal cramps, vomiting and violent diarrhea.

Before using any herb or herbal supplement, speak to your health care provider to make sure it is safe for you.

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