Did you know you can try colloidal silver {a pure, natural, anti-microbial, viricide, bactericide, fungicide and disinfectant},to remedy sore throats, colds, thrush, acne, rashes, septic wounds and numerous other ailments including c-diff? C. diff (Clostridium Difficile) is a bacterial infection of the colon. It is caused by an imbalance in the bacterial levels that normally exist in the colon. The imbalance could be a result of heavy antibiotic usage, which can disrupt the bacterial levels. I think probiotics is the correct direction for this to clear up, however any drinks or foods with high sugar content can be slow your recovery from this. Gatorade, for instance, has is very high in sugar (works against probiotic benefits), and dangerous levels of salt to be drinking long term daily, and also has sucrose and fructose in it (Splenda and corn syrup.. Weight gain and other health problems), and artificial dyes and flavorings. If you want to make your own sports drink (safer, more effective and cheaper) I found this recipe:
Ingredients for Homemade Organic Sports Drinks:
* Pure Organic Fruit Juice (No High Fructose Corn Syrup! )
* Water or Green Tea
* Organic Sea Salt
Directions: Fill your sports bottle with half juice and half water (or tea). Add a pinch of organic sea salt, shake, and enjoy! "
You can also take oregano oil slow release with S. Boulardii. This yeast antagonists against C. Difficile and also reduces the toxin loads. You add to that Flaxseed oil and some probiotics."
Olive Leaf extract can be taken daily in lower amounts as a preventative measure against future flare ups as well, just make sure you also take probiotics daily to maintain the good bacteria in your intestinal tract.
Ten herbs work together to heal your intestines
This formula was originally used to stop diarrhea in dying patients probably due to cholera and other digestive illnesses. It contains ten herbs with many different properties. These herbs are ginseng, atractylodes, cinnamon bark, nutmeg, terminalia chebula, poppy husks, white peony, angelica, aucklandia, and honey fried licorice. Ginseng is replaced in this formula with acanthopanax root especially for people with Lyme disease. Each herb has a different function.
Several herbs bind up the stool and stop diarrhea. There are also herbs that relieve pain and cramping. Other herbs replenish fluids that are lost through chronic diarrhea. Some herbs help to aid in digestion. Others reduce inflammation and swelling. Some of the herbs in the True Man’s formula have cautions around medications.
Herbs in this formula are to be used with caution around some medications
One of the herbs in this formula, acanthopanax root:
•led to an elevated serum digoxin level in one patient
•increases the effect of hexobarbital, inhibiting its metabolic breakdown
•increases the efficacy of antibiotics, possibly increasing t-lymphocyte activity
•stimulates the production of adrenaline4
White peony reduces blood glucose and its use is cautioned with antidiabetic medications. White peony also has sedative and analgesic effects on the central nervous system. It prolongs the sleeping time induced by barbiturates and has a protective effect against seizures induced by cardiazol5. Three herbs in this formula: white peony5, atractylodes6, and angelica7 are to be used with caution with anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs.
Atractylodes also has diuretic effects and may lead to increased elimination of water and electrolytes even though there are no reported cases of drug interaction6. Licorice may alter the effects of systemic corticosteroids and is to be used with caution with cardiac glycosides8. Always consult with a trained herbalist because they will know about alternative herbs that can be used as safe substitutions should you be taking any of the medications listed above. In addition to possible drug interactions, there are other herbs that can be added to neutralize enterotoxins.
Thank you for the info! what is the brand of oregano oil slow release with S. Boulardii? Thank you!