Saturday, June 25, 2011

Healthy Positive Thinking! Did You Know?

Did you know positive thinking makes a big difference in our lives? The only thing is you never should force yourself to think positive. Instead adapt to this style of thinking by practicing until it becomes a habit. Forcing yourself leads to extra stress that none of us need!

I’ve found a this list to help you see the benefits of positive thinking. These 10 benefits go hand and hand. One benefit leads to another.
Beat Stress

The first benefit of positive thinking is that it helps you overcome stress since you’ll be handling situations in a positive manner. You’ll be able let go of things that you usually get frustrated or worried about. Positive thinking helps you realize and understand that feeling those negative emotions leads to nowhere.

Remember, positive thinkers see the solutions, not just the the problems. When you get over things and focus on the solution, you’re less likely to stress about it.

More Energy
When you have less stress and worries in your life, you have extra energy to do the things you love. Sometimes our mind is the reason for our fatigue. Stressing and not being able to see the brighter side of life drains our energy. We feel tired, moody, and less interested in the things we love so much. Get energized by simply changing the way you think!
 Deeper Relationships
The truth is people love positive people. It’s much easier to connect with positive people.

Incorporating positive thinking in your life not only helps build deeper relationships with people, but positive relationships with people. Positive relationships are built on support, trust, and understanding which makes the quality of these relationships much better.

Now let’s see, who would you be more open with? A positive thinker who supports you or someone negative that puts down your ideas and criticizes you? I 'm sure we all know the answer to that one.

Peace Of Mind
Positive thinking will have you looking at the positive side of life. Your mind will relax and your thoughts will calm down. Instead of your thoughts running wild to make sure everything turns out okay, your thoughts will be much more relaxed because you’ll believe that everything is okay. And if things don’t turn out for the best, it won’t matter because you’ll have the ability to turn that negative into a positive.

You’ll Be Organized
When I go into a house that’s messy and cluttered, I believe it’s a reflection of how the person thinks.

You see, once you clear your mind of all the unnecessary thoughts and become organized with your thinking, your environment becomes organized too. Less stress, clear thinking, and more energy are all benefits of positive thinking! So instead of just taking off your clothes and leaving them on the ground, you’ll actually have the energy to pick them up and hang it.

Healthier Lifestyle
Our thinking directly affects our bodies and how it functions.

Negative thinking makes the whole body weak and fragile. All that stress, worrying, and nonsense thinking leads to headaches, sleeping disorders, muscle tensions, anxiety, and fatigue.

When a 50 year old lady that looked like she was in her 30′s was asked, “What’s your secret?” She replied back, “It’s simple, I always smile!” She pushes the problems aside and just focuses on being happy.

Positive things happen to positive people.
Be positive for a whole day and see all the good that comes to you.

Fear Goes Away

Fear is the killer of all dreams. It will hold you back, it will make you stress, and it will turn something good into something bad.

Becoming a positive thinker eliminates fear. When you know for certain in your mind that you can turn burdens into blessings, you’ll have nothing to fear. You see, all our emotions are created by what we think. Fear comes from thinking about the negative. Give fear a kick in the butt by thinking positive.

Create More Time

Who wouldn’t love more time especially in today’s world? Positive thinking gives you just that. How exactly will you create more time?

You’ll create more time because you won’t be stuck thinking about every problem you have in your life. You’ll learn to get over it and find what you need to do to be happy instead.

When you start using your mind right, you can wake up earlier since you’ll be sleeping better. You can make decisions faster. You’ll be more organized all around. You’ll love life because life is good when you have enough “you time”.

Fulfilling Life

A positive state of mind creates positive emotions. Positive emotions creates a positive lifestyle. What would you rather have? Being happy all the time or feeling angry constantly?

Reading The Bible

There is nothing that will make your life less stressful than picking up the Bible every morning and filling yourself with the word! People that are filled with the spirit of God will always live a better life! Amen :)

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thanks for looking! God Bless, Simone :) 


Disclaimer - The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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