Monday, June 27, 2011

"Billy-Tea" ??? Did You Know?

Did you know early Australian settlers brewed their tea in a billy? They made it this way out of necessity - Australians today do it simply because they love it.
What is a billy I ask? Well I have come to find that a billy is a metal can with a wire handle. This is filled with water and suspended over a fire. When the water boils, it is removed from the fire, and a handful of tea leaves are added. This is then left to brew for a few minutes.

The next part requires some level of caution and skill. In order to get the tea leaves to sink to the bottom, the billy is swung back and forth at arm's length. This requires a steadfast swing, any hesitant action would definitely result in a terrible scalding.

Finally, the tea is poured into metal mugs, with milk and sugar added, although it's highly unlikely the early settlers would have had access to either.

A variation of this is to add a few scented eucalyptus leaves with the tea.

So that is the story of "Billy-tea"!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thanks for looking! God Bless, Simone :) Copyright@SimoneBonda

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