Friday, May 13, 2011

How to Make A Sea Salt Spray For Hair! Did You Know?

Did you know the secret to waves is actually using sea salt as a hairspray ingredient? According to the Stylelist website, the salt gives the hair a more textured look than any commercial product.
Step 1

Rinse out a used spray bottle, or purchase one from the drugstore; you'll find them near the sample-sized products. Fill it with 8 oz. of clean water. "Glamour" magazine notes that purified or distilled water is best and will not leave mineral deposits on your hair. Double the amount of water if you have hair that is longer than your shoulders.

Step 2

Place 1 tsp. sea salt, found in your grocery store baking aisle, in the bottle for every 8 oz. water you used. Shake well to distribute the salt throughout the bottle and to dissolve it. Finely ground sea salt with dissolve faster.

Step 3

Add 1/2 tsp. conditioner into the bottle. Salt may dry your hair or make it feel coarse. The conditioner will help counteract the drying and keep your hair flexible and soft. Use a coconut-scented conditioner for a beachy-smelling hairspray that smells like the sun, sand and sunscreen.

Step 4

Squeeze in a small dollop of hair gel, around 1/2 teaspoon, to help enhance the salt's holding ability for a longer-lasting hairstyle. Put the top back on the spray bottle, and shake well to combine/ Remember that the ingredients will never fully combine, and you will need to shake it again before each use.

Step 5

Use the spray on damp hair that you intend to air dry. Shake the bottle and spray all over, scrunching and twisting as you go to create a natural wavy look.
God Bless!
Simone :)

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