Did you know that traditional Chinese medicine is beginning to pop up throughout the world of traditional medicine? The more pill and drugs that companies create, the more side effects and problems that patients experience. In a world where healthcare is changing rapidly, millions of people are walking out of hospitals doors and into the warmth of a holistic care center. Holistic medicine uses natural home remedies to treat a variety of ailments in the human body. Bees are often used in supplements, teas and detoxification wraps for their mysterious byproducts that offer a wealth of goodness for the human body. Bee pollen and bee venom are two of the most well known and widely used supplements.
Bee Pollen
If someone told you that a daily supplement would change your life completely would you believe them? Probably not without substantial medical research to back up the claim. Luckily that is exactly what you will find with bee pollen supplements. The majority of research on this nutrient is completed in Australia and Europe. Studies are broken down into two main categories – weight loss and cancer research. After over 1000 clinical trial patients, researchers have found that bee pollen is a key supplement in helping people loose substantial weight. Due to the fact that bee pollen is filled with every possible nutrient our bodies need, it is able to give our bodies all of the vitamin and minerals it needs on a daily basis to function at its best. This helps increase the bodies overall digestive and elimination functions. Bee pollen works as a gentle detoxifiying supplement and also burns fat. Patients who take bee pollen as a part of their weight loss programs will loose up to 40% more weight than those who take placebos.
In the world of cancer research bee pollen has been shown to decrease the risk of ovarian, prostate and breast cancer. It also help increase sexual drive, stamina and desire in both men and women. Current clinical trials have yielded that patients who take bee pollen supplements while undergoing harsh radiation and chemotherapy are significantly less likely to exhibit adverse side effects from the treatments such as hair loss and nausea. Those same patients are also more likely to overcome their cancer versus those that did not take bee pollen. The studies are still underway but the benefits are undeniable.
Bee Venom
Since the beginning of B.C., medicine men in Eastern Asia have used bee venom or bee sting therapy to heal people. This practice continues to exist throughout Korea and Europe. During a session, a person is likely to be stung 80 times. Bee venom, like other bee byproducts, is packed with powerful amino acids, nutrients and vitamins. Bee venom also has a special peptide bond that allows it to have anti-inflammatory properties. The most common use for bee sting therapy today is in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Bee sting therapy has been studied intensely since 1988 and is a popular choice for those patients that do not wish to continue the use of extensive drug plans that show little to no improvement in their condition. Bee venom reduces free radical damage that causes fluid on the synovial joints while also decreasing swelling and pain associated
with various types of arthritis.
God Bless!
Simone :)
Disclaimer - The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
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