Sunday, January 30, 2011

What About Those Protein Bars? Did You Know?

Did you know that whether you're looking to gain or lose weight, there's a protein bar out there that fits your needs?


Positive: They Can Help You Control Your Weight

Bars on the lower side of the calorie scale might be a good choice as a meal replacement. Instead of eating a 400-calorie dish at a restaurant, eat a protein bar like HealthSmart Foods Chocolite Protein Bar, which contains just 95 calories. If you're trying to gain weight, some bars, such as VPX Zero Impact Bars, contain almost 500 calories and 30 g or more of carbs. If you're trying to gain weight, the bars should not be used as a meal replacement, but as an added snack during the day.


Negative: They're Expensive

Even the cheapest protein bars will set you back more than a dollar. Some brands cost significantly more. If you eat two bars a day, you could easily be spending $50 or more a month on what's basically just a snack.


Positive: They Can Help Build Muscle

Protein is essential to muscle building. Without it, you'll have a hard time increasing muscle mass, even if you're a regular at the gym. According to Susan Kleiner in the August 1997 issue of "The Physician and Sportsmedicine," strength training bodybuilders need 0.6 to 0.8 g of protein per pound of weight. This means a 150 lb. bodybuilder needs to consume anywhere from 90 to 120 g of protein per day. While preparing protein-rich meals at home should be easy, a protein bar can provide you with extra protein throughout the day when you don't have time to stop for a full meal.


Negative: They're Not Necessarily Nutritious

Some protein bars have added vitamins and minerals, making them an acceptable choice as a meal replacement. Others have little to no nutritional advantages and many are loaded with sugar. For example, PureFit protein bars contain 15 percent of your daily needs of iron and 8 percent of your daily needs of calcium, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. However, the bars contain no vitamin A or C, two important nutrients. On the other hand, the Detour Lean Muscle protein bars contain at least 20 percent of your daily requirements of a large number of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, B6 and B12 and E, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium and chromium.

God Bless!
Simone :)

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