Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Did you know that there are many herbs, vegetables and plants can can aid in a ton of ailments? Following is some good information I have come by!

Agrimony   Infusion of Agrimony is used as an astringent, often used as a skin wash for irritations or tea for diarrhea and stomach upsets.
Agrimony can be grown in the garden for its unique foliage. In the wild, it is quite common and often grows in large colonies.

Alder Buckthorn Bark can be used as a laxative.

Alfalfa Nutritive with high mineral and vitamin content; lowers cholesterol. Commonly culivated as hay for livestock.

Alkane Has been used as an expectorant and as an emollient. Used to make purple like color in natural products

Aloe The inner sap from fresh plants is used for minor wounds and burns. Juice or dried leaves can be used as a strong laxative. Easily grown as a houseplant, handy in the window sill for kitchen accidents.

Angelica   Calming digestive disturbances; stimulates the appetite; alleviates coughs.

Anise I
nfusion made from seeds can be used to relieve gas pains.

Apples Used for bladder trouble; liver; diarrhea; tooth decay; and loss of appetite. Organic Apple Juice and Organic Apple Cider are used in many "detox" regimens.

Apricot Detoxifies the liver and pancreas.

Asparagus Helps with urinary problems and fatty tumors.

Beet Excellent liver and blood cleansers and purifier; good for nerves and anemia.

Bell Peppers Good for eyes and indigestion. High in anti-oxidants.         

Blackberry  Leaf tea is used in herbalism for diarrhea and colon problems.

Blueberry Feeds the pancreas; good for sugar problems. High in Anti-oxidants. Said to be good for brain function.

Cabbage For vitamin C; tissue builder; removes toxins; helps with digestion. Poultices of cabbage leaves are used for skin irritations.

  is said to be an excellent liver and blood cleansers and purifier.

Cantaloupe Good for complexion and digestion.

Carrots For eyes, blood, lymph, skin and digestion. Carrot seed oil is said to be beneficial for aging skin.

Cascara Sagrada Purgative; laxative.

Celery Good for arthritis; heart; indigestion; colds and skin problems.

Chaste Tree, Vitex Used as a supplement for several months it is said to regulate hormones.  Menstrual regulator; improves circulation and tone of female organs; promotes progesterone production.

Cherries A good blood cleanser; also used for gout.

Crab Apple For Vertigo

Cranberry Good for kidneys and asthma.

Dandelion  Excellent diuretic (Expels excess liquids in the body ) and liver cleanser.

Dong Quai Menstrual regulator.

Ginger For indigestion and gas pain; helps in relieving morning sickness; a general stimulant.

Ginseng  American  Used as a stimulant; can be used to prevent stress; to fight colds.

Milk Thistle Excellent liver and blood cleansers and purifier.

Mistletoe American Used in folk medicine to reduce blood pressure and as a sedative.

Nettles An astringent and alkalizing diuretic; good nutritive and high mineral content.

Oregon Grape Excellent liver and blood cleanser and purifier.

Raspberry Relieves nausea and improves digestion; improves uterine tone and blood supply; increases milk production

Sarsaparilla Serves as a precursor for hormone production.

Wild Yam  Antispasmodic; relieves spasm or cramping of smooth muscle; hormone precursor.

Yellow Dock Blood cleanser; helpful in anemia.
God Bless And Have A Great Tuesday Night!
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Disclaimer - The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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