Saturday, December 11, 2010

Food To Avoid When Having Diarrhea! Did You Know?

Did you know That diarrhea is a symptom in which changes in bowel movements produce loose watery stool more than three times per day? It may be caused by different factors, such as parasites, bacterial infection, viral infection, medication side effects or gastrointestinal diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's or celiac disease. If not controlled, diarrhea may lead to detrimental effects, such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, anemia, low blood pressure, weight loss and hypoglycemia. Certain dietary modifications may help improve or stop diarrhea.

Decrease Fiber Intake

High-fiber food such as legumes produces bulk in the intestines and may act as a natural laxative in the body. In addition, high fiber food may produce gas, resulting in bloating, pain and discomfort. Avoid nuts, whole grain, bran products, and raw fruits and vegetables. Once diarrhea has ceased, high-fiber food may be added again to the diet.

Have A Great Saturday!
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Copyright@SimoneBonda Disclaimer -The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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